Amnesty International Australia


Video I Digital

Amnesty International Australia wanted to expand on their existing 'Brave' campaign which celebrated individuals who spoke-up and stood-up for others. 

Longtail wanted to explore what ‘bravery’ meant to real Australians. Not just soldiers, police officers or fire fighters. But everyday people who were helping others and taking action despite the risks. From parents, to friends, to strangers or themselves.

A short-form video series was created to shared via social media and as supporting pre-roll advertisement. A second video series was also created which profiled brave people from around the world who Amnesty International was supporting.

CREDITS: Client: Amnesty International Australia Brief: campaign expansion Production Company : Endframe Creative Director: Michael Sequeira Art Director: Michael Gatt Copywriter: Tom Bradbeer  Designer: Michael Gatt Editor: Amber Cole